The Rose

The Rose
A Fairy Tale

By Sarah Sincere

Once upon a very long time ago in a land very different from ours, there was The Rose, an age old flower that bloomed year round. It was said that the flower could make you rich or make you wise and though many sought after it only few laid eyes upon it.

The flower was protected by a young maiden named Rosamonda who some suspected was The Rose because her name could be taken as Rose. it was Rosamonda’s duty to make sure the flower was never touched or disturbed so that it could continue growing peaceably in the quiet well lit glade but her job was harder than it seemed.

One day Rose (Rosamonda) decided to stop watching the Rose just for a second so she could go off and dip her toes in the cool spring not far off, this proved to be a terrible idea for when she came back there was a man leaning over The Rose and in his hands he held a sharp object he made the gesture of getting ready to cut the stem when Rosamonda hurled herself forward grabbing the trimmer from the mans hands.

“If you even think of cutting this Rose,” She yelled tossing the trimmer away like a bad penny. “I’ll make  sure you never leave this glade!” The man stepped back aghast, he hadn’t expected to be confronted by anyone this far from the city.

“Beg pardon my lady, I didn’t know it belonged to you.” He bowed a little bow and continued his introduction. “My name is Corbin Sandakan of Zaxious.” Rosamonda looked him over skeptically.

“I am Rosamonda of the Glade.”

“May I ask why a young lady such as you is so far from the city?”

Rosamonda laughed. “I am the protector of the Rose I have more reason than you to be here Sir Corbin.”

He looked back at the rose than back at her than back at the rose. “Than…” He started, “Than this…this is the legendary flower?!”

“Yes. And I would have you know there is no powers in this Rose it is special only for it’s year round bloom.” She gestured around her. “All this is kept lush and green because of it.”

Corbin gaped at her. “But you are so young; you are responsible for the hundreds of men and woman who come back to the city discouraged?”

She nodded. “It is my duty.”

“But….don’t you ever tire of watching this…plant?”

She looked down at the brown dirt beneath her feet. “Yes sometimes, but I have to my mum told me it was a task set to us The people of the Glade.” She sighed and started off again. “My mum used to be the protector but she wasn’t suited for it.”

Corbin looked around him. “Wouldn’t you like to come back to the city? Just for awhile I mean my wife would appreciate the company and I could find someone to guard The Rose while you’re away?”

Rosamonda glanced down at the flower she had spent so much time guarding than back at the nice man who had offered her an escape route and it was only for a little while she could come back again couldn’t she? Rose looked back a hopeful smile in her eyes. “I must be back in at least four days.”

“Of course.” Corbin exclaimed. “My wife will be so pleased to have a companion even for the short time.”

Corbin and Rosamond left for the city and she enjoyed many a day with him and his cheery wife Sienna but she was unaware that away back in the Glade The Rose was growing weak and dying and the land around it was little colder each day.

Rosamond ended up staying a month blissfully unaware that slowly but surely a bitter winter was creeping closer to Zaxious. Finally it had and Rosamond realized her mistake she hastily told her hosts that she couldn’t stay anymore. As she explained what had happened they hardly believed her but insisted that she let them travel alongside. She agreed the threesome set out into the cold.

They were nearing the glade which now the frozen glade when I man rushed out rubbing his icicle limbs numbly. “The Rose is dead!” He screeched. “I couldn’t stop it Sir Corbin, The Rose is dead!”

Rosamonda fell to her knee’s hardly believeing it but at last she recovered her senses and rushed into the icicle haven not feeling the cold nipping at her sides.

But when she reached the spot where the Rose once was all she saw was a pile of dead dark petals blowing away in the wind, it was then that she remembered what her mother had said.

“If The Rose does die, and it will someday my dear know that unless it has been plucked and taken it is not your fault, but you can be the one to fix it. Either you or someone else must stay and live there like you always have but you don’t have to live alone like you have if you can find others you can build a little village and live there and you needn’t be lonely anymore for there is no fear of someone clipping The Rose.”

The couple had now reached her, Rosamonda looked up at them and smiled. “I’m going to stay here and I would be happy if you would too but you needn’t you know.”

The couple agreed that they any  other from the city could come and live there if they’d like and people did come and that Place became known as
“The New Rose”

The End