
Wednesday, January 26, 2011

A Letter Written by Phillis Wheatley

Dear Readers, today I'm posting
a letter written by Phillis Wheatley
to the Countess of Huntington
if you compare her letter to a letter we would
write nowadays our letters just sound sloppy
sloppy English our letters compared to hers
are like that of a childs isn't that strange because
we have been American citizens since we were young
and she was only here from the time she was eight and so fourth.
 Come to thing of it we even try to make it shorter how are you we say
How r u or instead of saying how have things been for you we say how have things been 4 u.I don't know about you but I'm going to try to use proper English from now on not all the time mostly on my blog but I'm not going to shorten my English.

Most noble lady
   The Occasion of my addressing your Ladyship will,I hope,
Apologize for this my boldness in my doing it: it is to enclose a few
lines on the decease of your worthy Chaplain, Rev'd Mr.
Whitefield, in the loss of whom I Sincerely sympathize with
your Ladyship; butyour great loss which is his greater gain, will,
I hope, meet with infinite reparation in the presence of God, the
Divine Benefactor whose image you bare by filial imitation.
The Tongues of the learned are insufficient, much less the
pen of an untutor'd African, to paint in lively characters, the ex-
cellencies of this citizen of Zion! I beg an interest to your Lady-
ship's prayers and Am,
                                                                         With great humility
                                                                      your Ladyships most
                                                             Obedient  Humble Servant
                                                                              Phillis Wheatley
[Boston Oct. 25, 1770]

You can read more about Phillis Wheatley
by clicking on this link Phillis Wheatley

Goodbye for now
Poem Girl.

1 comment:

  1. Is that "George Whitefield" that this letter refers? One of the most excellent preachers of the 1700's?

    Hope you keep these excellent poems and letters coming - I'm enjoying very much the opportunity of exposure to this untutor'd African who having an excellent pen and a supreme grasp of the the English language tutors us.
