
Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Best Attempt at a Title

Um.....yeah, can anyone say slacker :/
When I said I going to try harder to post more I meant it, this is me trying :j 
but hey, I guess it's easier to read other peoples blogs and pretend I'm posting too. Do you know I actually thought I was even though I wasn't; how's that even possible!?

If any of you are still reading...GREAT, thank you so much! I seriously love you guys like friends! And even if you just read and don't comment, you're still awesome :) and I'm so happy you're here! I know I probably sound like a girl who just loves having a big number on her followers list, but I mean it! 
My 4 year Blog-O-Versary is coming up soon and I can't believe how many new friends I've made through this blog.

I'll have some new things posted soon and hopefully some more chapters to my books, we'll see.
Let me know if there's anything in particular you want me to write about....or maybe you have an idea for something I could draw next (Love that)
Also if anybody's interested in entering writing contest on my blog, please tell me in comments.

Au Revoir 

1 comment:

  1. Ahhh, I understand not having the motivation to blog. :P
    I might be interested in entering a contest, depending on how much school I have.
