
Friday, November 2, 2012

Anouncement and of course Another Poem

Dear Readers, wow it's really speeding up to that due date! I can feel the wait of everything I have to do to get ready for picture/post week and boy I'm nervous! I have a boat load of writing to do and at least and eight pictures to frame not to mention I'm working on a side job with my sister this is going to be one hard week and the strange thing is I planned all this myself my, my well here's the poem :)

The One Who's Writing her Still
Pen to paper
A click to key's
A writers life is is full of these

A poem written
A story told
A writer writes in her own way bold

A writer takes risks
A writer enjoys
Paper and pen are her tools and toys

She holds a pen in her ready fingers
Soon to write what she will
But she only writes because of
The one who's writing her still
~ Poem Girl

With Kindest Regards
Poem Girl

P.S. All photography credit goes to the taker of this picture