
Thursday, December 26, 2013

Writer, write for the night

For lack of more idea's... I'll just post this short
Post to hold you till later first of all I had a wonderful Chrisrmas
My brother, his wife, and my new niece all came as 
Well as my awesome grandparents, we talked, ate, sang, 
Exchanged gifts and over all had a great time, we even got
A call from my far away oldest sis and her husband,
That was really special ❤ 

Hope you all had a Merry Christmas as well, tell me about it in comments :)


"Silence is its own language."
"What does that mean?"
"I don't know, I just thought it sounded deep."
(Random funny thing between me and Liz)

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

a Niece for Christmas

Merry Christmas Eve Everyone!
By now some of you are probably thinking...yay Christmas it took forever, or maybe you're thinking that came fast.
For me I'm barely conscious of the fact that tomorrow is Christmas since we've beeeeeeen reeeeeeeeeeeeally crazy busy again...thought we were done with home stuff, I was wrong...we had the wood floor put in, a door and piece of wall ripped out and put back in reverse stairs taken out a and moved farther down,  (Long story involving a fridge), No internet for a few days and we still aren't done most likely the house won't be done till sometime late in January of 2014 (we've like up'ed the whole house!) I'm pining for normal...we haven't even decorated yet...we've had our Christmas tree since December first but it's been bare up to this very day....(we don't usually wait so long to decorate but all the remodeling...) I think mom just really wants to get this stuff done because before she was just doing 1 project a year...I had no idea we had so much stuff to be done! 

Anyways you want to know what's with my title right? Well my first ever niece was expected on Christmas day....and she was born a week early (exactly a week early, like last Wednesday) Cutest, sweetest, most adorable, baby girl you've ever seen.....however that may just be because she's niece :) I won't be posting any pictures of her because her parents want her to be able to decide that on her own when she's a whooooooooooole lost older...she wouldn't want her whole life on the interenet I'm sure. So on here I'll refer to her as Cuddles because she's so cuddly :) cute baby..sorry new aunt here who's totally crazy about her niece (all of us are) 

Soooooo on an unrelated note to kinda  get the feel for the coming Holiday we've been reading Charles Dickens "A Christmas Carol" the first few nights I even made egg nog for it!

Here's the recipe if you want to make it 

Egg Nog


  • 4 Eggs
  • 1/2 cup of sugar
  • 1 teaspoon of vanilla
  • Milk (enough to fill up the blender)
  • Nutmeg 

First crack your eggs and put them in...than put your sugar, vanilla, and milk.....blend until nice and fluffy....

Serve with nutmeg sprinkled on top :) 

Well that's it for now let me send you off with Peppermint Winter by Owl City and have a Merry Christmas!
v-Video Below -v

Friday, December 13, 2013

Updates Past, Present, and Future

*note when I say us, we, our, ecetera....I mean me and my sisters, love my sisters :) 

Wednesday, me and Ani were in a small Christmas play, it was very very fun :) I was playing Ester, a somewhat nice girl who plays an Angel in the Negativity play, I say somewhat nice girl because it's a small role and I didn't really get to know my character, my only lines were "What was that for!" and "Why You!" So yeah....but it was a fun role :D I'm really glad I got to be in the play.

We're going shopping and such with my aunts, cousins, grandma, I'm sure it's going to be a lot of fun :) 

It's our churches Night of Christmas music, and me and Liz will be singing :) I'm super excited, I couldn't get my sisters to do this last year so I'm glad to be able to do it with Liz this year...also we'll be singing in the Worship service, I've never done anything like this before so I'm very excited.....
overall I want to sing to Gods glory :) 

Now for some stuff I really enjoyed this week :) 

Heard this song by the Piano Guys and loved it, makes me excited for our viewing of the Hobbit this Monday! (We originally found out about the Piano Guys from some friends of ours) 
the video "is" on here so if you can't see it come over to my blog and you can watch it.

Another from the Piano Guys, A great song to get that Christmastime feel...oh, and by the way it has snowed down here but just a little...for which I'm glad hard to skate on snow covered ice...yeah me and Liz went skating together it was really fun! Funny how we have a lake in our backyard but I hardly ever skate on it every winter, it's the cold I just know I don't like it. 

Oh, yeah here's the video (almost forgot) 

Oh, Almost forgot, we went and saw Frozen last Monday it was super awesome! And we all really enjoyed it! Have any of you seen Frozen or are planning too, if you have seen it what did you think of it? If you haven't you should go :)

 Speaking of movies, are any of you going to see the Hobbit soon? 

Thanks for Reading :)

Monday, December 2, 2013

Just Something :)

(Picture by me)

So yep just me with another post for you. 
Soooo not much is up of late, just kidding somethings always up but I just don't always feel like posting about it, lets just leave it at I had a very very fun and fantastic Thanksgiving filled with skits, songs, and cousin times :) Love my cousins!

I know I said  was going to do a Thanksgiving post last week but I just didn't know how to put to words all the wonderful things I'm thankful for, (I did try) so don't think I wasn't serious, haha sometimes even I'm at a loss for words...okay a lot of times.

You can kinda look at this post as a late messy what I'm thankful for post.

 So last Sunday at a bridal shower I was reunited with a cousin I hadn't seen in years she's awesome and we were talking like the years had only been a few months she's awesome, and I found out we have much in common, so we decided to get each others email address so as to keep in contact :) I'm so thankful I got to meet her again as well. 

Ani's been practicing a lot and recently she's taken up learning Once Upon a December, let me tell you I'm so glad she is I love that song and she plays it really well, even if I don't play anymore I'm glad she's still playing right on I love listening to her music, haha if you're reading this Ani, Love ya and I'm glad you're my sister.

Liz has been super sweet as of late too, love chatting with you sis even if it sometimes seems like I don't (not sure why I pretend otherwise) She puts up with my silliness a lot. 

There's so much more to say as well, like I'm thankful for my little niece or nephew that'll be born soon awwwwww this first time aunt's going to really spoil and love on that little kid :D 
My super cool married siblings and their spouses,
 My super awesome encouraging parents, 
Of course you guys my faithful friends, and readers,
And my amazing Savior who's blessed me in more ways than I can say (the one who's really at the top of this list!) 
and a whole bunch of other things! But I just couldn't fit it all into this post so I guess this is it :) 

ANYWAYS, how was your thanksgiving's I got to read about a couple of them and it sounds like you guys had fun too, I just love Thanksgiving and always find myself with an abundance of things to be thankful for, God has blessed me so much :)