
Wednesday, September 14, 2011

He Who Is Perfect

Dear Readers, Todays Post is entitled He who is perfect for is there any man or woman perfect or even close to being as perfect as our God.

He who is Perfect 
The oceans breath along the shore
Proclaims the name of Christ our Lord 
All of Creation cries out his name
And I shall try to do the same.

His love his mercy pours over us
We worship him we feel we must 
For he is God both perfect and pure
For our sinful hearts he is the only cure.

So we fall on knee's crying out praises
He truly Loves us he truly Amazes 
Our God is incredible their is none like him
For who can shape our hearts to perfection!
                                                  ~Poem Girl

Yours Truly
Poem Girl

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

1 Dress 100 Days

Dear Readers, This young lady here had a dream to go to India and work in an orphanage but was held back because of her health issues but that didn't stop her from wanting to help the orphans so she's wearing 1 dress for 100 days dressing it up with different hairstyles and accessories you can read her blog from the beginning Here click Here to see all of her dresses. She holds her dream even now that her 100 days are up. please give and help feed the orphans.

Yours Truly
Poem Girl
Dear Readers, here's a new poem for you called Midnight Serenade I hope you find it as soothing to read as it was to write think of it as a lullaby.

Midnight Serenade
The day is done the night has come
And now we think on what we've done
Throughout the day throughout the week
What did we do to whom did we speak
When we've finished reviewing our days
We think of our faults and our foolish ways
Finally our thoughts turn to tomorrow
What we will do and will their be sorrow
Now as the night drifts slowly on
Our eye's quietly flutter from the day that is gone
And now they do close as the warmth spreads around
And the wind wispers tidings then you don't hear a sound.
                                                                        ~Poem Girl

Yours Truly
Poem Girl